Meet your Skills Coaches!

Publishing Professional Skills Coach Helen Bugler

Hello! I’m Helen Bugler. I have worked in publishing for 30 years, unusually all at the same company, Macmillan, in textbooks. I started as a European Sales Rep, and then moved into Editorial. I ended up as Editorial Director for the textbooks team. I joined LDN a year into the new apprenticeship scheme for Publishing, and I love learning all about your companies and roles and sharing my experience. Out of work I am a keen hiker and swimmer, and I love to read of course!

Publishing Professional Skills Coach Vanessa Forbes

Hi! I’m Vanessa Forbes, and I recently joined LDN Apprenticeship after 20 years in publishing, mainly in rights. My career gave me the chance to travel and to work with exciting brands, and bestselling authors. When I am not working, I love the outdoors and once bravely attempted cold-water swimming – in Scotland.

Programme details

Explore key details about your apprenticeship!

  • Level 4 Publishing Professional qualification

  • 15 months

  • End Point Assessment (EPA) consists of 3 projects and 15-20 pieces of evidence.