Meet your Skills Coaches!

Information Communication Technician Skills Coach​ Maggie Adepetun ​

Hi I'm Maggie (or Mags) an ICT Skills Coach. I started my career as a systems analyst and programmer and then moved into the networking world. I have 20+ years experience of working in FE, HE and apprenticeships and have delivered across a range of programmes. I'm definitely a people person and love learning all about other people, their roles and most importantly what drives them forward. I'm a positive and forward-facing person and I know that is what has kept me in education all these years.​ In my time out of work if I'm not busy being a grandma, you'll find me powerlifting in the gym or climbing up mountains.

Information Communications Technician Skills Coach Anton Balzan

My name is Anton Balzan. I have been delivering the ICT networking and technical infrastructure for 15 years, the support technician, system administrator, network engineer Microsoft qualifications, and Cisco’s CCNA to both commercial and apprenticeship training programmes. I enjoy cooking, mountain biking, plane spotting, camping, bodyboarding and swimming.

Programme details

Explore key details about your apprenticeship!

  • Level 3 Information Communications Technician qualification with preparation for CompTIA A+

  • 16 months

  • End Point Assessment (EPA) consists of professional discussion underpinned by portfolio and a project report with questioning.