Meet your Skills Coaches!

Digital Learning Designer Skills Coach Frazer Worthington

Hi I'm Frazer and my love of learning started in the classroom as an English Language Teacher, which snowballed into Ed-tech, curriculum development and then I came across this thing called Instructional Design, changing everything. This is where my DLD journey started, and I've created digital learning programmes for educational institutes and businesses. My specialties are evidence-based learning design, AI integration and I have a soft spot for gamification. ​​ In my free time I enjoy cooking, playing sport, Arsenal, board games and travelling (when I can).

Digital Learning Designer Skills Coach​ Ivett Csordas​

Hi, I'm Ivett Csordas (pronounced Chordash). I come from an education background, teaching English as a Foreign Language and GCSE subject. Then, I moved to corporate online learning and managed my company's training library. I've also been coaching Learning Content Creators. My specialities are user experience, assessment, and accessibility. In my free time, I love boardgames, theatre, and travelling.

Digital Learning Designer Skills Coach Nicola Avery

Hello, I'm Nicola Avery, a Digital Learning Design Skills Coach. I have worked in learning technology and design for the last two decades across public, private sectors. I recently worked in higher education designing courses then training and mentoring staff to design for hybrid or online courses. I enjoy helping people develop their experiences to explore new opportunities. I eco-volunteer and study Environmental Strategy. I recently completed a Green Impact sustainability audit for a hospital team who achieved Gold.

Programme details

Explore key details about your apprenticeship!

  • Level 5 Digital Learning Designer qualification

  • 19 months

  • End Point Assessment (EPA) consists of a work-based project and presentation, a portfolio of evidence and professional discussion